Consultancy Services to Develop a Working Paper On Establishing An Up Take Pathway Development Fund ASARECA



ASARECA aims to enhance regional collective action in agricultural research for development, extension, training and education to promote economic growth, fight poverty, eradicate hunger and enhance sustainable use of resources in the ECA. There are increasing demands for ASARECA and its NARs partners to adopt systems and practices of agricultural research that are responsive to farmers needs and sustainably impact on the lives of the poor.

Recent review missions of ASARECA have highlighted the importance of uptake and uptake pathways and how critical they are for the current and future success of ASARECA. The missions have emphasized that ASARECA must take advantage of Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices (TIMPs) that have been generated from nearly four years of support to research in the ECA region, to deliver impacts on livelihoods. For the same reason, new ASARECA projects are embracing the “value chain” approach that involves diverse actors. Traditionally, the public advisory service was the major uptake pathway that research depended on for uptake but recently, some private sector players have joined as advisory service providers. In very few cases the engagement of the private sector has been in uptake of value addition technologies with commercialization aims. Some ASARECA supported projects are exploring these non-traditional pathways and these efforts should be expanded. A mechanism for diversifying and expanding the uptake pathways needs to be explored including the possibility of creating an “uptake pathway development fund”. The aim of such a fund would be to facilitate entrepreneurs and/or businesses, as well as other actors to join in the pathways.

Objectives of the consultancy

The main purpose of this consultancy is to explore different uptake pathways including how to engage private sector more. A working paper on the subject will be the main output of the consultancy. The specific objectives are:

- To explore and document promising alternative up-take pathways which ASARECA could consider to pursue in order to catalyze uptake and enhance the outcomes of its research outputs;
- Explore and assess the relevant ASARECA units/programs and recommend any capacity and skill set strengthening requirements for successful exploitation of the alternative uptake pathway mechanisms.
- Develop a working paper describing different options for establishment and management of a technology transfer fund, which would be suitable to ASARECA

Scope of work

• Desk review of literature on successful uptake pathway models and in particular those that involve private sector

• Visit at least four different organizations involved in technology transfer in Eastern and Central Africa to collect information on best practices and success stories. Focus will be on organizations that have successfully applied modern information and communication technology (ICT) including mobile telephony and end-user outreach programs, or have implemented technology transfer schemes to incubate or promote uptake by the private sector including use of “technology uptake pathway development funds”. The program of visits will be presented in an inception report.

• Facilitate a stakeholders workshop for ASARECA secretariat and key partners to discuss the different options available and come up with recommendations for ASARECA, including the type(s) and modalities of establishing an uptake pathway development fund

• Develop a working paper on the different options that can be considered by ASARECA as alternative uptake pathways, including the establishment and management of a technology uptake pathway development fund.

• The consultant is expected to work closely with the head of ASARECA Partnership and Capacity Development Unit and the Program Manager for Knowledge Management and Up-scaling.


1. An inception report detailing the program of work for the entire consultancy including travel and timelines for the deliverables

2. A report on the promising alternative up take pathways with illustrative best practices and success stories.

3. A workshop report describing the workshop process and explaining how the different options were discussed, and the key recommendations coming from the workshop.

4. A working paper describing the promising alternative uptake pathways that can be considered by ASARECA. This paper will contain a detailed background on ASARECA and the justification for establishment of a technology uptake pathway development fund, the nature of the fund and its implementation mechanism. It will feature different sections on the different options, each describing how the fund would be structured within the current management structure of ASARECA, and suggesting some budgetary requirements.

Time Frame

This consultancy is expected to take a total of 25 working days and must be completed by 25th October 2012. The consultancy days should be spread out as follows:

• 1 day for consultation with ASARECA
• 13 days for data collection and writing of the report from the different organizations visited.
• 1 day for preparations for the stakeholders consultative workshop
• 3 days for the workshop
• 2 days for the workshop report
• 5 days for developing the working paper

ASARECA will provide the following:

i) Provide supporting documents such as ASARECA strategy, Operational Plan, Review mission reports, etc
ii) Work with the consultant to ensure the logistics including travel and accommodation is in place
iii) Liaison and communication as necessary

Competences and Experience

ASARECA is seeking the services of a single consultant or firm with at least five years demonstrated experience in agricultural research and development. The consultant or team leader in case of a firm will have a minimum of a masters degree and preferably a PhD in a relevant field. Evidence of previous experience conducting surveys and undertaking similar studies is necessary.

Procedures and deadline for submitting proposals

Interested service providers should submit their technical and financial proposals by 15thAugust 2012 together with their profiles to:

The Procurement and Contracting Officer,
ASARECA Secretariat
Plot 5 Mpigi road
P. O. Box 765
Entebbe, Uganda

Submissions by email should be sent to copied to,

Start date:
Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 23:15

End date:
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - 23:15

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